I just love looking at the gorgeous pictures of vintage toys, fabrics and playthings, and there are so many ideas to get the children involved too.

There are so many wonderful books around at the moment, and I can't get enough of them. I am quite an avid reader, but I have to admit that since rediscovering my creative side, I have not been reading nearly as much as I used to. There are just not enough hours in the day, I can not do it all I guess. So because of obvious time constraints, I am relying mostly on creative books, with lots of pictures to fill my literary needs. The epic novels will have to wait for another time. I also love children's books, so any excuse to cuddle up with boys and books is a plus.
Alex being almost 7 now, I am finding myself introducing old favourites of mine as a child to him. He is starting to read independently (although he hates it), but I love to read longer stories to him, like 'Treasure Island' and 'Just So Stories' by Rudyard Kipling. Although I am somewhat of a bookworm now, I only picked up my love of reading at about 16; it all seemed rather a chore up until I read the 'Flowers In The Attic' series by Virginia Andrews, and finally 'got' what it meant to actually get taken away by a book. So although Alex doesn't show any sign of becoming a book lover at the moment, there is still plenty of time. I hope.
Hi Samantha, Thanks for popping into my blog, I have just had a look around yours as well - love your new library book! I can't say my boys are bookworms at 2 and 4 (nearly) but I am still hoping!
I know what you mean. It's either knitting or reading for me...even magazines are piling up around here! I am in a book club, but we haven't met since before the holidays, so our next get together will give me the motivation to read again. Have you ever read She's come Undone by Wally Lamb? Excelent book!
Through my love of books, my children love to read. Fiona doesn't have a large attention span for it {although Maeve certainly did 18 months}, but she loves to sit and look through books. Maeve has always loved to read...and now her teachers say that even during play/free time at school, they will see Maeve go and read. :) I love that!
and is that a Curious George book, I see?! One of Maeve's favorite characters!
What a wonderful book, I will have to try and get hold of it :)
I also feel I read much less than before (knitting, blogging,more knitting....), although audiobooks have become a good friend of mine while I go to and from work!
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