It was Mother's Day here in the UK yesterday. I got treated very well with breakfast in bed and some lovely cards & gifts, (handmade of course - ). The above picture is my card and present from my eldest son Alex. Inside the red heart is a photograph of us together when he was about 3.

All my lovely things together.

This is my card and gift from Adrien, which he made in nursery school. The gorgeous pasta necklace was inside the little red tissue wrapped bundle. It was all so sweet. I had a lovely day yesterday, didn't want it to end.
Oh, happy mothers day to you :) I love receiving handmade gifts. In our family we try to give handmade too and we try to stick to a budget (usually around 10 pounds). Its challenging and exciting to find and create things with little money!
Oh happy day to you! It is lovely to see that pasta necklaces are an international accessory! Use caution though - after I wore mine my neck was stained for days (from the color on the pasta). I would suggest that maybe it be worn for dinner only :)
I love it!
Thanks for letting me pop back in
Happy Mother's Day!!! I adore the cards and necklace! My mom still has stuff like that from my siblings and I. You have a set of creative little guys. :)
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