I also whipped up this pink headband for myself. Last week I went for a long overdue appointment at the hair salon, and got about 6" chopped off! I am loving the shorter look, and thought I would play around with some hair accessories. I took this picture myself yesterday at the playground with Adrien.
I made the hairband from this Old Red Barn tutorial. It was very quick and easy to make, and I got many compliments at the school about it. I am thinking of making a few more in lots of bright coloured fabrics, ideal for spring and summer.
Well I have lots of housework building up. Have yourself a wonderful weekend!
hi, I found your blog from Rachael Rabbit's, I just love those bags they are so sweet and the photos of the daffodils are gorgeous. Look forward to visiting again soon, Catherine x
*so* cute...all of it! I am getting really excited to learn to sew! I especially love the hand embroidery...you are really talented!
I recently CHOPPED my hair, too. It wasn't very long to begin with {shoulder length}, but it is super short now. My mom is going through chemo therapy, so they recommended she cut her hair very short before it started falling out, so I cut mine with her...for support. It' really easy!
Lovely things you make! I wish I could sew, I have a sewing machine collecting dust. Maybe some day..... You look fab by the way, I need to get myself to the hairdresser soon! Oh, you are so brave michelle! Nice weekend :)
Thank you for your kind words, it gives me a lot of encouragement to tackle the bigger projects I have plans for.
You little bags and such are soooooo cute. Love the hand embroidery.
And the headbands . . . aren't they fun and easy to make? And they look adorable!
Those are very cute. Good job! By the way, glad to see ya back in Blogland! I missed you!
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