Thursday, 2 April 2009

Daisy Chains

Yesterday I picked up a copy of Apples for Jam from the library, after a recommendation from Cosycactus. I love this book already and can't wait to start making the recipes! I loved the line in the book "....And all this should still have the grace and honesty of a daisy chain." That got me thinking a lot about childhood daisy chains.
How easily we forget the simple delights of sitting in the sunshine making daisy chains. Adrien and I spent 'our' morning picking daisies and making necklaces. I say 'our' morning as I have come to consider this precious time we have alone together each day like our little secret. Ssshh don't tell.... Which leads me to think that Alex my older son misses out on any alone time with mama, and that is something I need to change.

Spring break is coming up next week, and hopefully if the weather is kind we can do lots of outdoor activities. Like the nature reserve, our local petting zoo and lots of walks. And I am ready to give the 29 Gift Challenge a go.


Victoria said...

Good luck with the challenge :) From apples for jam I also love the chicken soup and croquettes, pizza, lasagna, sauteed broccoli and the fish pie.....just to mention a few :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm going to have to add this book to my list! Good luck with the giving challenge!!! I love daisies & have never made a daisy chain. I will certainly have to do that with the kids...when the ground finally dries up a bit! :)

Maggie May said...

My Lola would love this!